Page 38 - Oxted Local February 2024
P. 38

38 February 2025 • Oxted Local
Aquarius: 20 January - 17 February
Your ruling planet Uranus resumes forward motion on 1st ,
which should awaken your capacity for either positive radical
ideas and possibilities that could change the shape of society
for the better…. Or, it might just make you even more cranky,
eccentric and needlessly and annoyingly rebellious. That’s
the up and down sides of Aquarius so take your choice!
Pisces: 18 February - 19 March
With 5 planets in your sign as February begins you may well
feel a bit swamped. The Pisces fish swim up and downstream
at the same times so the ebbs and flows of life will pull you
here, there and everywhere this month. On the other hand,
we are not more than 2 months from several big planets
leaving Pisces so the end of the month is a last gasp kind of
this letting go period. Start getting ready to use it in April.
Aries: 20 March - 19 April
We are slap bang in the middle of the winter dead zone so
don’t push too hard yet because nobody is ready yet, not
even you. If you insist on pushing ahead despite this, you
will be at risk of burn out later in the year so batteries need
to be recharged now ready for the new upsurge of action in
the Spring. Paying attention to your own vulnerabilities and
addressing them is an especially good focus now.
Taurus: 20 April - 20 May
Uranus is just turning direct now and the bright electric
energy of it provides an urge to express our unique selves,
take some chances or risks, rebel, listen to our instincts, and
stir up change are reawakened or externalized. This isn’t
really you, as an earth bound Taurus soul as you usually have
your feet firmly on the ground so i’m sure you can make this
work for you in a productive manner.
Gemini: 21 May - 20 June
Your inventive mind will enjoy the airy energy of Aquarius
this month but there are also a lot of planets crowding
together in Pisces, which is much vaguer. This could make
you irritated at the mental slowness of people around you.
Why can’t they stop waffling and get to the point? It’s best to
just work with people on your wavelength, I’d say, although
I’m not sure you’ll end up doing anything but talk!
Cancer: 21 June - 22 July
Mars has gone back into your sign now which shifts the focus
onto home and family. It’s a tetchy energy though so people
may be getting on each other’s nerves. That’s because it
increases sensitivity, and particularly yours, so tread carefully
this month. Having 5 planets all together in Pisces will
ease matters though and you should try to let things drift
rather than get too fixated on what are ultimately not very
important issues
Leo: 23 July - 21 August
Big ego trips and self publicity are not very much favoured
right now. It’s a watery, ethereal energy as the winter
continues and the more self awareness you can bring to
your own actions the better prepared you will be for the
arrival of Spring energy two months away. Don’t jump into
new projects yet but by all means do some thinking and
preparatory work on what changes you’d like to make after
mid March.
Virgo: 22 August - 22 September
You might be very challenged by the Pisces energy this
month because it’s the opposite sign to you and all those
planets lined up in that sign definitely do not favour your
kind of thorough, practical organizing abilities. Clearing
cupboards of long-standing junk and redundant stuff is
almost certainly the way to go, I’d suggest!
Libra: 24 September - 22 October
The arrival of the Aquarius season may be a breath of
fresh air to you in some ways but it isn’t necessarily all that
pleasant and your natural quest to find balance in life may
be frustrated. The end of the month when the Moon and sun
have joined another 4 planets in Pisces is likely to leave you
feeling totally swamped and you won’t know where to put
yourself. If it’s any consolation, neither will anyone else!
Scorpio: 23 October - 21 November
Your intensely deep personal nature would normally
welcome the support of the water sign of Pisces but this
month it threatens to overwhelm you. Luckily you will
probably have the inner strength to retreat inside and ride
it out. Ironically the influx of Aquarius with its new airy ideas
and values, which you would normally find difficult to deal
with may come to your aid, enabling you to at least see a
path through present confusions.
Sagittarius: 22 November - 21 December
For a freedom loving Sagittarian like yourself who is always
tempted to set sail for distant horizons Capricorn, the
metaphorical image that comes to me is being swept out to
sea against your will! There is far too much water sloshing
around: swamping you, currents pulling you in many
different directions. All you can do, I suppose, is stay in the
boat, and see where you end up. Surprisingly, this might end
up being exactly where you were headed for anyway. (or it
might not!)
Capricorn: 22 December - 19 January
Big clear out time. Not exactly Spring cleaning time but
preparing for a reshaping of how the next phase might
look. Don’t be surprised if you decide it is time to let go of
all manner of attachments that you thought might survive
the present mental tsunami season. Consider the image of
the levees breaking in New Orleans, flooding the whole city
(which might happen of course).
Stars for
By Howard Parker, the Astro-guide
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