Page 38 - Oxted Local October 2024
P. 38

38 October 2024 • Oxted Local 
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Libra: 24 September - 22 October
Maybe it’s the little things? Not grand extravagant
demonstrations of feeling but small appreciations of what
you have got in your life. It might be to do with family,
ancestors, the place you came from, things you take for
granted in your life. It could be in finding love again in a
relationship that has gone a bit cold but which you now
start to treasure again.
Scorpio: 23 October - 21 November
Love issues may become a bit more intense this month as
Venus hangs around in Scorpio and picks up a link to both
Saturn and Mars – both of which can be quite sexual, even
if it all gets a bit stressful. But it may not be that at all and
another interpretation suggests it might be more about
being authentic and ethical in your dealings with those
around you. See how it goes!
Sagittarius: 22 November - 21 December
Your actions at this full moon on 17th may test you in a few
ways you didn’t expect. Venus pops into your sign which will
probably be enlivening but it doesn’t necessarily make you
all that empathetic to others. You are very independent by
nature but you need to take others with you. Luckily your
vision can be very inspiring - just don’t be too dogmatic if
not everyone goes along with it!
Capricorn: 22 December - 19 January
Perhaps unnoticed by us for a while, Pluto goes quietly
forward again this month towards its destiny of beginning
the process of massive transformation come the new year.
We might not see much of it this month but any worn out
structures in your life will start creaking at the seams and
you would be wise to figure out what they are and consider
how your life would be better off without them.
Aquarius: 20 January - 17 February
Pluto comes back into Aquarius next month. You Aquarians
might be the only people who aren’t going to be worried
about this but for you it will be a case of ‘bring it on and let
battle commence’! For now, though, take the time to think
about your fellow beings on this troubled little planet and
try to find the point of balance that works for you personally.
Pisces: 18 February - 19 March
Two things are probably happening to you: on the one
hand you’re feeling intuitive and maybe even inspired and
creative while at the same time, the dead hand of Saturn
threatens to undo it all and tear your dreams to shreds. Still,
this has been going on for a while and maybe you’ve found
a way to negotiate your way round it now. ‘Stay in the boat’
at they say, however stormy it gets!
Aries: 20 March - 19 April
The tone of this new moon serves as an antidote to what
was started in the Spring when we spent time focusing
on building our independence and working on our
assertiveness. This October’s eclipse in Libra prompts us to
do the opposite: to consider healthy relating and see how
we are interconnected with others. Libra seeks to establish
balance in all things.
Taurus: 20 April - 20 May
Were you born around 1974? In that case, I’d be very
surprised if your life is not being turned upside down these
days. It’s definitely mid-life crisis territory with Uranus
playing havoc and throwing things you thought were solid
and permanent up in the air. If you’re older or younger, you
will still be experiencing odd things occurring that you
should pay attention to.
Gemini: 21 May - 20 June
Jupiter in your sign is teaching you quite a lot so you should
pay attention. It goes retrograde in the second week of the
month and keeps going backwards until the new year. So,
it may not be new learning going on so much as looking
at what you have learnt recently and working what it all
means. Some of this learning may have felt very difficult but
often we learn most from what we mess up.
Cancer: 21 June - 22 July
Mars continues its way through Cancer this month. Mars
is not very happy there because cancer is a watery sign
whereas Mars is fire so it can be an unhappy, if steamy
combo. You may feel over protective, or more emotional
than you would like to be. It’s often very uncomfortable for
people in management positions where it can lead to very
badly controlling behaviour due to massive ego insecurities.
Leo: 23 July - 21 August
You might be feeling a bit thwarted this month. You
may think you should be more appreciated for your
accomplishments and personality but somehow people
aren’t that impressed. You may even be facing opposition
and and let’s face it, you’re only a team player when you are
leading it aren’t you? Time to look hard at your ego and see
what it’s up to this month
Virgo: 22 August - 22 September
If you have planets in your chart that are positive and
outward looking, you will probably feel you can hack it
when life lacks the structures and organization that is so
important to you. The trouble is (Sir Kier) is that life doesn’t
fit into the nicely organized packages you would like it to.
Loose ends abound with unexpected consequences plotting
to undo all the effort you have put in to get everything to
your liking.
By Howard Parker, the Astro-guide
Stars for
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