Page 6 - Oxted Local October 2024
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6 October 2024 • Oxted Local 
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All things bright and beautiful...
Kicking off this month of harvest festivals, half term
and Halloween with news of another biodiversity
initiative in Limpsfield - The Seed Swap Scheme!
Everything starts with a seed, and we want to be
part of the seed swap revolution, helping to increase
biodiversity of plants and flowers in our local area,
one seed at a time.
All you have to do is:
1. Collect an envelope from our box at Memorial
Stores or Detillens Corner
2. Fill it with seeds
3. Label it and deposit the envelope in our seed
bank boxes in November
More info and tips on how to collect seeds on
Titsey Beer Festival - If you love your beers, then
hop up the hill to the Titsey Taproom, which will
be holding its first Beer Festival in celebration of
Green Hops on 4-6th October, including special
performances by Camellia (and The Camellians) and
Harvest Festival - St Peter’s will be holding its
annual Harvest Festival service on Sunday 13th
October at 10am. They will be collecting non-
perishable food and household items for our local
food bank and have a monetary collection for
Bright & Beautiful prints - If you’re a fan of
brightly coloured prints, head over to Bey Tree in
Wickham’s Yard (Thursday to Saturday 10-4) as
Sue has a new range of beautifully bright printed
cotton clothing and accessories in stock, including
a fabulous range of Jaipur quilted cotton bags and
some beautiful cushions too.
Halloween Creativity... There are spooky goings
on at Kate Tulett’s Art for All this month with
her Halloween Art Courses in October, including
Wooden Halloween Village Sculpture and Day of
the Dead Halloween Sculpture, plus half term art
workshops. See @katetulettart or www.katetulettart.
com for more info.
There are more spooky and supernatural happenings
at The Bull Inn this October too, with an evening of
Clairvoyance on Tuesday 22nd October from 5pm,
including individual readings and audience event.
Please call
David to pre-
book a one-to-
one reading -
07732 940162.
spotting and
other half term
Do a Nature
Trail around
Common -
are lots of
spotter sheets on
on the Biodiversity Corner page and also on the
Friends of Limpsfield Common’s brand-new website,
1. Check out the Community Orchard at Grub
2. Walk the Family Activity Trail in High Chart
Woods (starts at High Chart car park on
Moorhouse Road)
3. Visit the Chart Orchard by the Chart Cricket
Pitch on your walk
4. Paint a pebble with a wildlife picture and leave
it in a special place around Limpsfield
5. Build a hedgehog hotel
Big congratulations to our lovely residents Chris
Robshaw and Camilla Kerslake who welcomed
another boy, Hunter (little brother to Wilding) into
the family earlier in the summer. Chris, a well-known
former England Rugby Player and local boy has
joined Hazelwood School as Sports Consultant.
We’re sure the parents and grandparents will now
take even more interest in sports days!
More on Hazelwood, who will be hosting an
evening of Chamber Music in their Bawtree Hall with
renowned cellist Adrian Brendel on 19th October.
What else?
Heads up for November Makers Market Saturday
14th November and Bey Tree’s charity Christmas
shopping event at The Bull on 19th.
By Sophie Martin @limpsfieldsurrey @oxtedlocal
Image: Sophie Martin

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