Caterham, Oxted & Godstone Lions

August Bank Holiday – is it a British Tradition that it always rains on a Bank Holiday? In the 30 or more years that Caterham, Oxted & Godstone Lions have had a presence on Godstone Green on Bank Holiday Monday they’ve seen it all – pouring rain, blazing heat, ferocious winds and even more ferocious wasps….this year thankfully it was nothing worse than a stiff breeze and intermittent sunshine. The usual crowds descended to enjoy the stalls and the Donkey Derby and queues formed for our burgers, candy floss and popcorn and hot drinks. So much so that all was sold out by around 3.30.
Such success wouldn’t have been possible without the help of around 20 friends, relatives, and other supporters. We are also indebted for the generous support from Stanton Van Hire of Blindley Heath for the loan of a van to transport our marquee and equipment and to Rawstone Hire for the generator. It seems likely the event could have raised in the region of £4k for those in need locally and further afield. The Club generally make a substantial donation to assist in the Fete Organisers’ distribution to worthy causes in Godstone – a tribute to the hard work and team effort of so many people who contributed to the success of the day.
Our fund raising Italian Dinner Evening will be held in Godstone’s White Hart Barn on Saturday 18th November – for further details and to book your tickets contact Lion Tony on 01883335945 or Lion John on 01883 742680 – but be quick, tickets selling out fast! Three course meal and cabaret £15.00
Our Facebook Page has had a re-vamp – why not take a look?
If you would like to know more about your local Lions Club, the person to speak to is Lion Tony, on 01883 741809 – he would be delighted to chat to you!