Don’t lose your voice – make sure you’re registered to vote

Residents should ensure they are registered to vote by completing the annual canvass form as soon as possible.
This year, as part of the government’s canvass reform programme to make the process more efficient, the majority of residents will be notified by e-mail or text message. Letters, asking residents to review and update their details, will only be sent to households if no e-mail address or mobile number is held for them.
If residents’ names are missing or if any other details need to be added or changed, they can be easily updated online. If someone new is added, they must also complete an application to register to vote. The application can be completed online at
Residents who receive the letter can decide to update the details online or by amending the printed version and returning it in the post, using the special envelope provided. Residents’ e-mail addresses can also be added which means they will receive future correspondence by e-mail.
The annual canvass is a legal requirement. To reduce the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus, we are encouraging residents to respond online, by telephone or by text message.
Elaine Jackson, Acting Chief Executive and Electoral Registration Officer at Tandridge District Council said: “Don’t let something as simple as not being on the register stop you from having a vote and a voice. It’s really important everyone who is entitled to vote is able to. Make sure you check the details and please respond online, by phone, or by text message.”
Anyone with any questions about the form, voting or the electoral register should visit