Every Drop Counts in Tandridge

Water is our most precious resource, yet we tend to take it for granted. It may be hard to believe when the skies are often grey, but the south east of England is classed as ‘water stressed’ – meaning demand for water is higher than the amount replenished by rainfall, especially during the drier months.
In July local water provider, SES Water, launched its water efficiency campaign Every Drop Counts in Tandridge to encourage residents to save water across the district with mailings, town wide adverts and social media posts and competitions. This also included attending Godstone Farm’s ‘Festival on the Farm’ in August to help celebrate their 40th birthday. Festival goers were able to take part in fun activities, learn about leak detection and how to save water in the home.
SES Water has also partnered up with its sister company, SES Home Services, to offer Tandridge residents a free 45-minute home visit to check water fittings and flow rates, fit free water saving devices and fix simple leaks to toilets and taps.
Satisfied customer John Thompson, from Limpsfield, who signed up said: “Thank you for the visit, it’s a great incentive. Mark, the engineer, was very professional and accommodating and a credit to the company.”
In the first few weeks of the campaign, 167 home visits were booked across Tandridge and as a result 138 devices were fitted, and 14 leaks found. The average daily saving per visit was 39 litres of water – that’s equivalent to nearly 12 full baths saved in the first month alone. Saving water not only protects the environment and the wildlife it supports, but it also helps you save money on your water, sewerage and energy bills.
To find out more or to make an appointment for your FREE home visit call 0330 333 9801 or email seswhomecheck@savewatersavemoney.com
And if that’s not enough, SES Water has been trialling new smart devices which will help residents make more informed decisions about their water usage. Look out for more opportunities to get involved at seswater.co.uk/saving