This year, Gatwick Airport Community Trust celebrates 20 years since the fund was set up through an Agreement between the local authorities and Gatwick Airport Limited who provide funding to support local communities.
It launched its first grants programme in 2002 and over the last 19 years this independent charity has awarded grants to over 2000 projects. It has helped change many local lives and improved a wide range of community facilities across the area of benefit in parts of East and West Sussex, Surrey and Kent.
The Trust is dedicated to continue supporting projects within those communities most affected by the airport and its operations.
The last year has been incredibly challenging for community organisations and charities but GACT’s funding support helped many of them to continue to offer their services via online or virtual classes. It awarded £228,651 to 113 organisations in 2020 and this year, once again, GACT is reaching out to local community groups looking for funding for projects that will benefit local people.
To give organisations more time to plan projects during these challenging times and to apply for funding this year, GACT has extended its usual grant programme deadline to Friday 21st May at 12 noon.
The Trust supports schemes that benefit diverse sections of the local community and are targeted towards the development of young people, the arts, sporting facilities, environmental improvement and conservation, improvements to community facilities, volunteering, the elderly and the disabled.
Although most grants range from £500 to £5,000, over the last 19 years GACT has also awarded some larger grants. These were awarded to projects to encourage youth volunteering in the community, to expand support for vulnerable families, help disabled and disadvantaged young people and towards community facilities such as Horley’s Innes Pavilion, the new Charlwood Sports and Community Centre and Capel Sports Pavilion.
If you know of a local project that could do with some financial support, go to Download the application form, complete it fully and send it to the address on the form by 21st May 2021