Local Plan Examination Date Set

The public examination hearings for Our Local Plan: 2033, will start on Tuesday 8 October at 9.30am and will be heard by planning Inspector Philip Lewis BA (Hons) MA MRTPI.
A key part of the examination process is a series of public hearing sessions. Representatives including parish councils, development professionals, residents and other stakeholders, whose attendance has been agreed in advance with the Inspector, will take part in a series of round table discussions which the Inspector will lead. The public can view these proceedings but will not have an opportunity to speak.
The hearings will concentrate on the Matters the Inspector requires more information about, to enable him to conclude whether the Council’s Local Plan is sound. The following Matters will be explored during the hearings:
1. Procedural/legal requirements.
2. The provision of housing.
3. The Spatial Strategy.
4. Green Belt boundary alterations.
5. Employment land provision.
6. South Godstone Garden Community and housing allocations.
7. Employment and land allocations.
8. Development Management Policies.
Agendas will be issued by the Inspector and will be published on the Council’s website.
The sessions will take place at the Council Offices in Oxted and will run between 9.30am to 5pm on each of the scheduled days. The aim will be to broadcast all sessions live and these will remain available to view on the Council’s website for six months. The public will have the advantage of viewing the proceedings online, without needing to travel to Oxted. To view the hearings visit www.tandridge.gov.uk/webcast.
Councillor Keith Jecks, Chair of the Planning Policy Committee, said: “A huge amount of work has gone into the preparation of the Local Plan. We have held a number of consultations to refine the plan and deliver a strategy we believe is the right one for the district. This plan will deliver the infrastructure our district needs, including road and rail improvements, healthcare facilities, schools and employment opportunities, alongside new and affordable homes. We know we will be challenged by those who believe we should be building around double the number of proposed new homes across more of the green belt. We will defend our approach and aim to secure a plan which creates a district which will grow and thrive for many generations to come.”
Further guidance about the hearing sessions has been prepared by the Inspector and is published on the Council’s website. In addition, all information related to the Local Plan can be found at www.tandridge.gov.uk/localplan