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36 December 2024 • Oxted Local
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Sagittarius: 22 November - 21 December
Your spirits get a real lift at the new moon in your sign on
1st. It’s outgoing, creating a sense of freedom and optimism
and you can dare to dream again. It’s all looking a lot better
for you this month and even the full moon in Gemini won’t
bother you particularly. Don’t go overboard though, there
may still be bits of your past lurking in corners that you need
to deal with.
Capricorn: 22 December - 19 January
Since around the time of the financial crash of 2008, you will
have learnt a lot of lessons, some of which may have been
quite harsh. You have had to shoulder a lot of responsibility
and it has been a heavy weight to carry. Now, though, this
may be lifting and new challenges are around the corner.
They will require a different approach so shift gear gently
and enjoy December as you recalibrate.
Aquarius: 20 January - 17 February
Pluto is now firmly in your sign and will be there for over 20
years so it’s time to open up to its potential and see where
it wants to take you. You may pride yourself on your radical
views and originality in how you think but you can also
be inflexible and resistant to change. Pluto will no doubt
challenge that complacency so be ready for your own
changes in how you think and behave.
Pisces: 18 February - 19 March
The foggy confusion you have been living under for a while
may start to lift a little now as Saturn resumes forward
motion (as it appears to us on Earth). Practical plans can be
made now and the new moon in Sagittarius may help give
you that extra bit of motivation to get things moving as you
shrug off your sluggishness and low energy. The full moon
on 15th is definitely party time!
Aries: 20 March - 19 April
The month begins with some welcome positive energy.
Sagittarius energy works well for you and the new moon in
that sign coupled with a benign aspect to Mars in Leo should
be quite enough strong fire energy to get things moving
now. If it isn’t, you should look at what other influences are
holding you back now. Something from the past may still be
lurking deep inside but don’t hang around worrying about it!
Taurus: 20 April - 20 May
Unexpectedly earthy reactions may surprise you this month
with Venus and Uranus creating a bit of excitement. This
could be in your sexual or love life or alternatively, money
affairs may be involved. Use the fire energy of the new moon
to get to the nub of what’s going on rather than holding
back. This may not be long lasting so allow yourself to enjoy
any earthly pleasures that may show themselves!
Gemini: 21 May - 20 June
Your outgoing nature will respond well to the new moon in
your opposite sign of Sagittarius. It’s sociable and energetic
so Xmas parties should go pretty well. Alternatively, you
may wish to get away from all that and get on a flight to
somewhere far away. Either way, this month is looking a lot
better than last as you are able to leave behind some of the
difficulties that have been strewn in your path recently.
Cancer: 21 June - 22 July
Family and people close to you may be making difficult
demands on you as Venus moves uncomfortably through
Capricorn. It may feel as if you are having too many
responsibilities put your way and you may start to resent
them. The main thing is not to allow this to fester inside you
but to make clear your feelings, but in a gentle and calm way.
You can be tough in your caring!
Leo: 23 July - 21 August
Mars in your sign may want to show off (or fight!) and the
new moon will add more energy to this mix so be a bit
careful how forcefully you come across. Using this strong
energy to get outstanding tasks completed well before Xmas
is a good use of it before you let your hair down at social
events and parties especially mid-month at the full moon in
Virgo: 22 August - 22 September
Putting your house order (literally or metaphorically) may
seem like a good idea this month and the energy will no
doubt be available to get a lot of stuff done but you may
need to lighten up a bit or you will miss opportunities to
relax and have fun. Being a party pooper at Xmas is not a
very good look and the full moon in Gemini on 15th may
illuminate this, if you’re not careful! Have fun, you know you
want to!
Libra: 24 September - 22 October
Relationships may feel a bit austere this month as Venus
trudges through Capricorn but you can’t always have
beautiful romance without the more difficult bits bubbling
up sometimes. Real love is often deepened through some
hardship and difficulty because that way you can appreciate
the gentler, more ‘loved up’ times even more.
Scorpio: 23 October - 21 November
There’s a big time of rethinking ahead of you for many years
to come so this month’s optimistic energy may be a good
time to start noticing how you feel about your life now.
You’ve come to the end of a 20 year phase that has been
pretty tough so if you haven’t changed or amended your
sense of who you are, you’d better get real about it now or
Pluto is going to hit you hard in the next few years. Time to
dig deep!
By Howard Parker, the Astro-guide
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