News from Lions Clubs

The Club held its 46th Annual Charter Celebration with a lunch at Reigate Manor. In attendance was District Governor Lion Steve Carley who gave his usual spirited address complimenting the Club on its activities over the year. Various awards were made including the Lions’ highest honour, a Melvin Jones Fellowship, to Lion Tony Carter in recognition of his willing and exceptional 10 years of service to the Club. Melvin Jones was the American who started Lions Clubs International back in 1917, since then the organisation has spread all over the world and exists in over 200 countries.
Readers might be interested to know that the purchase of Fellowships by Clubs, amongst other donations, helps to raise a huge pot of money called the Lions Clubs’ International Foundation, which is then used to assist in disasters such as the recent Spanish floods.
Also honoured were Lion Peter Drysdale and Lion Tony Skilbeck, the only two Charter Members of the Club still present – 46 years of service to the local community……close on their heels was Lion Alan Ingram with 40 years….plus new girl Lion Sarah Brindle who joined just 3 years ago!
Godstone has a coffee morning, Café Connect, on the first Saturday of the month at which funds are raised for various good causes and in November was the turn of the Lions Club. There was an information stall and Lion President Tony Gordon explained how COG Lions had been helping countless people locally and further afield since 1979.
One of the biggest fundraising drives for the Club is our Father Christmas Sleigh. This year the Santa program will unfortunately be limited in scope, and will just tour Godstone north of the A25 on Wednesday 11th December and south of the A25 on Wednesday 18th December. Additionally, there will be static collections at Oxted Morrisons on the weekends of 7th/8th and 21st/22nd December. Lion President went on to say that friends were urgently required to assist with these dates. If you can help even for just an hour or two, please contact Lion John on 01883 742680.
But as ever, it’s not all fund raising – Members will enjoy a visit to a local theatre and fellowship (and some alcohol) at the Christmas Meal at a local pub.
If you would like to know more about your local Lions Club, the person to speak to is Lion Tony, on 01883 741809 – he would be delighted to chat to you.