Oxted Rotary’s Autumn Trio

As Oxted Local readers will have seen in past issues, Oxted Rotary is renowned for helping local causes and Our Community Grant Scheme is the latest drive to help Single parent families in the RH8 area. The grant scheme is soon to be expanded to help other target groups and news of that will be published soon but, in the meantime, we have to keep building funds in order to support our giving.
Autumn is a good time to hold fundraising events and we are good at holding local events that appeal to the local community and do not stretch the pockets of those who attend. Our events are aimed at the young and old alike and provide an opportunity to enjoy family fun with like-minded people.
Our annual Bingo Night is the first of this year’s Autumn events and is being held at 7.30pm on Friday 11th October in Aggies Hall, Hurst Green. You will be forgiven if you cannot stop laughing at our hilarious caller, armed this year, as he always is, with jokes and stories that will have you creased up, so enjoy an hour or two of Bingo with refreshments for only £5.00 per head and bring your friends and family too. You can book online now at Bingo.oxtedrotary.org.uk
The second event of the Autumn Trio is our popular Autumn Concert featuring many young musicians from around our area. The event is being held at the United Reform Church in Bluehouse Lane, Oxted at 7.00pm on Saturday 12th October and refreshments will be provided along with a comprehensive programme of classical music. You can book online at Concert.oxtedrotary.org.uk
The third event will be a month later at 7.00pm on Friday 8th November, again at Aggies Hall but this time it is our annual Quiz Night. Historically, this is one of our most popular events and has Aggies walls bursting at the seams, so book early and why not put together a team of six? A Fish & Chip supper is included in the ticket price and again, you can book online now at QuizNight.oxtedrotary.org.uk
Further details of all events are available on the relevant booking pages or by emailing enquiries@oxtedrotary.org.uk,
So don’t delay, book right away!
Your enjoyment will
be helping us to help others.