Special Free Taster Sessions

Special Free Taster Sessions for local people who are not yet members of Westerham U3A.
As you may know, one of the activities that we offer is the chance to hear from a wide range of speakers. This June, we are opening up two Zoom talks to non-members.
The two events are:
10th June Gilly Halcrow: Special operations executive – Churchill’s secret army. The joining instructions are on www.westerhamu3a.org – please log in by 1:45 for a 2:00 p.m. start.
24th June Kevin Reynolds: Dispelling the myths – an introduction to bats
The joining instructions are on www.westerhamu3a.org – please log in by 10:15 a.m. for a 10:30 a.m. start.
We are also opening up one Interest Group meeting on 29th June: Appreciating Great Paintings. The joining instructions are on www.westerhamu3a.org – please log in by 2:15 p.m. for a 2:30 p.m. start.
If you are retired or semi-retired and live in or near Westerham, Oxted, Warlingham, Biggin Hill, or Tatsfield, join us to find out more about just one aspect of Westerham U3A activities.
After attending these events, please let us know if you would like to become a member, either by emailing westerhamu3a@hotmail.co.uk or by completing a Membership Application form on the website.