1st Oxted Scouts: Second Hand BIKE SALE

Saturday September 21st, Master Park, Oxted
Sellers – Bring your roadworthy and good condition bikes, prams, scooters etc down to Master Park for registration at 8:30am. You set the price (we can offer guidance) and you can complete a form ahead of time (one form for each item). Follow the Bike Sale link to the right of the home page on our website. The Scout Group takes a 20% commission from the sales price as a contribution to help us invest in equipment for the running of the Scout Group
Buyers – The sale opens at 9:30. Queues can form ahead of 9:30, but grab a coffee or tea and a bacon roll while you wait. We ask if you are happy to make a 50p donation on entrance and please note that all sales are for cash (no cheques or cards). The sale is largely done by 11:00/11:30am, so do be their early. See our Website for full details and to download a Sellers Form www.1stoxstedscouts.com