Are you looking after a relative or friend who couldn’t manage without you?

Action for Carers Surrey helps Surrey’s unpaid carers of all ages, with free information, practical help, emotional support, events, advice and more.
ACS’s free events give you a chance to relax or to get vital information. For now they’re on Zoom, so no need to leave home; April’s include mindfulness, yoga, and managing stress, plus practical sessions on power of attorney, or helping someone into a car safely.
Join a support group and meet other carers in a similar situation, such as looking after someone with dementia or a child with a disability.
We also offer One to one support. We have a wide range of direct, one-to-one services, including our Carer Information Centre. The phones are staffed by friendly and experienced Advisors, experts in caring matters, who can talk through your issues. We also have Carer Support Advisors working Surrey-wide, in four teams – North West, South West, Mid and East Surrey. Our Advisors can offer advice and information, assist with forms, and provide advocacy, as well as give emotional support.
For anyone in Surrey caring for someone who is currently serving, a reservist or veteran, or an armed forces family member we also have specialist information and support.
Find out more about how ACS can help, including specialist support for young carers (5-18) and young adult carers (18-24) at or email: or call on 0303 040 1234.