Celebrating International Older People’s Day with a Cream Tea and The Rock Choir

Age UK Surrey is delighted to announce that The Rock Choir is supporting our Cream Tea event to celebrate International Older People’s Day on 1stOctober 2020.
The virtual cream tea is being organised to help raise funds to keep vital services available for older people across Surrey. Anyone can host an online tea party or invite a few friends to join them for a socially distanced get together in their home, garden or park (following current Government guidelines). No tickets are required but guests are encouraged to donate to Age UK Surrey’s aloneTOGETHER campaign – use Cream Tea as a reference: https://ageuksurrey.enthuse.com/cf/alone-together
Tom George, Rock Choir leader for Farnham, Guildford and Godalming has compiled a selection of songs on YouTube especially for the event to entertain people while they enjoy their tea. The link will be available on the day via Age UK Surrey’s facebook and twitter page and on the website Age UK Surrey Rock Choir Link – https://ageuk.org.uk/surrey/activities-and-events/older-peoples-day/
The Cornish Hamper Store are offering a special 10% discount for cream tea deliveries – quote AGEUK10 when placing an order https://www.thecornishhamperstore.co.uk/cornish-hampers
Age UK Surrey provides a range of services to prevent loneliness and isolation and help older people to remain independent and informed.
· Information and Advice: On a range of issues, including money, housing and care. Expert advisors can assist over the telephone with benefit entitlement claims and also signpost to other organisations as required.
· Volunteer Shopping: For essential items.
· Check-in and Chat – a regular friendly chat.
· Help at Home – A paid for service providing cleaning, laundry, light meal preparation, companionship and gardening.
· Get Online Digital Telephone support. Help with getting online, understanding zoom and other virtual meeting website, social media or advice on your computer or mobile device.
· Virtual Coffee Mornings with our Information and Advice Manager. An opportunity to ask questions and have a sociable chat.
Sue Zirps, Age UK Surrey CEO “We are so grateful to everyone who supports us and a big thank you to all our volunteers. It is so good to see the whole community coming together at this challenging time”. I would encourage anyone over the age of 50 who needs information and advice or support to call us at Age UK Surrey 01483 503414 or email: enquiries@ageuksurrey.org.uk
For more information about our services, please visit: www.ageuk.org.uk/surrey
30/09/2020 /
Posted in Local News