Have your say on 5 May

On Thursday 5 May, residents will go to the polls to have their say about who should represent them in the district elections.
Please make sure if you are eligible to vote, you are registered to vote, if you are not already, by Thursday 14 April. If you aren’t registered it will take just five minutes to register online.
There are 14 seats up for election in the district, however there are no elections in the Caterham Valley, Chaldon, Felbridge, Portley, Tatsfield and Woldingham wards. If you live in these areas, you will not be invited to vote.
Polling cards were delivered from 14 March onwards. It will tell you which polling station you visit to cast your vote, although you won’t need to bring it with you when voting in person on Thursday 5 May. Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm.
Voting in a polling station is not the only way to vote. You can also vote by post or by appointing someone to vote on your behalf, which is known as a proxy vote. If you would like to vote:
By post: Please download an application form from the Electoral Commission and send it to us by 5pm on Tuesday 19 April.
By proxy: Please download an application form from the Electoral Commission and send it to us by 5pm on Thursday 26 April.
More information is available on our website and if you don’t have access to the internet, please call 01883 722000.