Hurst Green Singers Welcomes New Members

Hurst Green Singers are a thriving local choir with some 60 members and are always looking to encourage new talent.
Under the direction of Dr James Meaders, rehearsals take place every Tuesday evening in term time (September – May) in St John’s Church, Hurst Green and there are two performances each year. We sing a variety of choral music ranging from early composers right through to modern day, including living composers.
The choir is always keen to welcome new members. There are no auditions and the ability to read music, although an advantage, is not essential. Why not come along and try? Our next term starts on Tuesday 3 September at 8.00pm when we will start preparing for our Christmas concert. Our programme will include Lux: The Dawn from on High by Dan Forrest as well as music for Christmas. We hope to see you there. Email: