The Friends of Limpsfield Common (FoLC) Survey

The Friends of Limpsfield Common Committee were delighted with the response to our recent request to take part in a Survey. Thank you.
We had 378 responses. This has provided us with lots of very useful information which will help guide our plans for the future. We have shared the contents of the survey with the National Trust, Tandridge Council, Limpsfield Parish Council and other agencies who have a stake in Limpsfield Common.
In 2021 The FoLC and the National Trust will work together to plan and then commence tasks that reflect your views, especially those that score highly for ‘How can we improve the Common’
In fact, we have already started work on providing more information, signposts, trails and maps, which you will see out on the Common in 2021.
Here is a summary of the Findings of the Survey.
If you wish to have a copy of the full report please contact
If you wish to become a Member please contact
Thank you very much for your support.
• Limpsfield Common is a local amenity, that is highly regarded, appreciated and well used. 90% of responders live in RH8.
• Walking (79%) and Enjoying Nature (65%) are the most common ways visitors spend their time on the Common.
• Reflecting the proximity of their home, 37% visit ‘a few times each week’, whilst 20% visit daily. This means that over 50% of visitors have a strong association with the Common, likely to have feelings of ‘ownership’ or ‘care’.
• The question ‘What do people like about the Common?’, reflects how responders spend their time on the Common (Q1). 70% of responders like the ‘Natural Environment’ (flora, fauna, nature, trees, woodland) and the ease of access/proximity the Common has to their homes.
Exercise, (walking in particular, but including dog walking and all other forms of exercise) scores highly.
• What can be improved on the Common?
This section provided a wide variety of comments. Signage to aid and improve visiting the Common (to support direction finding, trails, maps) and information (nature, history, emergency contact) received 19% of improvement suggestions.
Clearly Littering 8.5% and Dog Poo Mess (11%) are a concern, making 19.5% together. Responders suggest ensuring we clearly ask visitors to take dog poo and litter home with them, as well as installing more dog poo bins and litter bins.
Parking, Management of the Common, Natural Play were all topics that provoked much comment.