Jam4Jamie: in memory of the life of Jamie Blake-Thomas

‘Jam4Jamie’ was a live music event held a few weeks ago in memory of the life of Jamie Blake-Thomas. A former Oxted pupil, Jamie sadly took his own life in June 2019, aged 24. To celebrate Jamie’s time at the school and his musicianship, his former band-mates and several other local bands came together to play the same stage that Jamie first performed at back in 2009.
In total, £3184.9 was raised for the suicide prevention charity CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably). Due to the event’s success, we have decided to turn Jam4Jamie into a yearly fundraiser that will continue to support CALM and other mental health charities.
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/jam4jamie/
Photo credit: Josh Leverige
04/02/2020 /
Posted in Local News