Westerham Country Fayre

Held on The Green with the Horticultural Autumn Show in St Mary’s Church Saturday 14th September 11am – 5 pm
Westerham Town Partnership is at its best bringing together the community, with its latest event, celebrating all that is country crafts, activities and produce, alongside local vintage, retro and fashion stalls.
Westerham Horticultural Society will also be holding its Autumn Show in St Mary’s Church. This competition is open to everyone, and details on how to enter can be found on the Horticultural Society website www.whs.btck.co.uk. They will be showcasing harvest produce while Kent Wildlife Trust will be running a wildlife quiz and trail in and around the churchyard. Visit their stall as well as Foal Farm’s which will promote its activities locally.
Everyone will enjoy the traditional fairground rides, an ‘Aunt Sally’ seaside photo-board, a coconut shy, hoopla, quoits, tombola, ‘whip the cloth’, wet sponge stocks and shove h’apenny. Kids will love Punch and Judy, and tots will play in the ball pond alongside the ‘foodie’ and tea tent which will include the Sea Cadets’ BBQ. Don’t miss the woodland ‘bodger’(pole lathe turner), basket weaving, a chainsaw sculptor, bee-keepers with a skeleton hive for families to see what goes on inside and, hopefully, a traveling blacksmith!
Music for the day will be the usual eclectic mix: and a surprise or two! Definitely a chance to invite friends and family – put the date in the diary!
Read more at www.visitwesterham.org.uk